

A New Year’s Resolution is not a magic bullet. Neither is the ball dropping at midnight on New Year’s Eve or the date January 1st.

You can decide to do better whenever you want, but you have to BEGIN.

So here’s my first question: On this day, today, the one you’re reading this post on (Thursday, Friday, Saturday, etc.) what are you going to do BETTER?

Second question: What did January teach you?

And, if you’re ready for some accountability to be fully yourself, free from the restraints and restrictions of New Year’s Resolutions that hold you in bondage, then let’s talk.



I’m starting the Wellness Revelation on February 17th.

  • 1 online group using ZOOM (it’s painless)
  • $75 for 8 weeks – includes your fitness plan, nutrition recommendations, accountability group and weekly Christ-centered, mind-renewing, practical application
  • 100% TRUTH (no gimmicks or fads)
  • 12 seats reserved and I believe they will fill up fast

Friend, watch the video above if you need more information.

*** Feel free to email me questions or if you’re ready I can email you the registration details.


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