

During a recent conversation with a sister-friend we discussed how important it is to practice self-care. Our brief conversation was right on point because as much as I understand the value I still struggle with slowing down.

Do any of these examples sound familiar?

  • going to work when you were sick
  • ending up with unused sick days at the end of the year in abundance
  • earning awards at work for never taking an unscheduled day off
  • sending your children to school when they don’t feel well
  • arriving so early to work you always get the closest parking spot
  • staying so late you are on a first name basis with the cleaning crew

Ask yourself this question, what kind of example are you setting when you always put yourself last? What does it say about you when you don’t value your quality of your life enough to make it a priority? Now, this isn’t about guilt trips it’s about keeping it real. Not one of us is perfect and to embrace a healthier lifestyle we have to address the needs of the whole-self. What does your body-soul-spirit need today? Rest, play, solitude, a massage? Don’t half-step put your health and well-being first.

Make Time for Yourself

The hardest part is getting started and I have faith that you can do it.

  • stay home when you’re sick, you will recover faster and keep others healthy
  • everyone needs a mental health day, factor them into your life  for yourself and your children
  • strive to earn the award for the best manager or leader, they won’t notice you took two sick days this year
  • when you arrive early to work leave on time
  • when you stay late at work, leave early tomorrow
  • use your sick days, you have them for a reason

We’ve all been taught the value of good work ethics and that’s a priority. Unfortunately, the same value hasn’t been placed on self-care. [tweetthis]Self-care is not a luxury.[/tweetthis] Having my business allows me to say no more often and this is a blessing, however, there’s still room for improvement. I practice creating opportunities to practice self-care otherwise I would overstep my boundaries and work harder than I play.

This Is Where I Come In

This is the #1 reason that I have decided to lead “Faith & Fitness Retreats” using my system that teaches you to take back your health, make changes in your life, dance, move, worship, have fun and put yourself first.

If you are ready to live with vitality now is the time for YOU to take the first step and turn self-care into a reality you practice. I invite you to join me for Move With the Spirit Faith & Fitness Retreat, being held Saturday, October 31, 2015 in Stony Point, NY! Space is limited.


In health & vitality,


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