
“Called to Something Greater: Women and Leadership”

This blog post comes from one of my signature talks. I was inspired to host a luncheon by this same name earlier this year. In fact it was the theme of my February luncheon for the Christian Women’s Small Business Association, New York Chapter. As an entrepreneur and small business owner I meet many women who, like me, have been pigeonholed by the names, titles, and roles we answer to: employee, mother, daughter, sister, wife, girlfriend, supervisor, student, the list goes on. One thing I have always known is that titles, names, and credentials do not define me, nor are they my purpose for being.

I have spent the last two years seeking my purpose in life, as it relates to my work. For me this has meant getting closer to my faith and building a stronger relationship with the Lord. It is out of this journey that the words “Called to Something Greater: Women and Leadership“ were revealed. As women we are called to step outside of the box that limits who we are and who we can become. We have to take a deeper look, which often requires reflection and solitude, to uncover our greatness.

What is greatness?

I didn’t set out to find my greatness. I just wanted to find my professional purpose, but on the journey I realized that my purpose resides within my greatness.

“But you are the ones chosen by God, chosen for the high calling of priestly work, chosen to be a holy people, God’s instruments to do his work and speak out for him, to tell others of the night-and-day difference he made for you, from nothing to something, from rejected to accepted.” 1 Peter2:9 MSG

This scripture taken from 1 Peter 2:9 spoke to my heart and it helped to reveal my greatness:

1. I have been chosen by God
2. I am royalty in God’s eyes
3. I have a high calling to extend the work of God in this world
4. I have been chosen to be set apart and understand Gods purpose for me
5. I am an instrument of God called to use my hands to do his work
6. I am an instrument of God called to use my voice for him
7. I have a testimony to share about my life before and after God
8. I went from not knowing my purpose to having understanding
9. I am accepted by God

What is leadership?

The Miriam-Webster Dictionary defines a leader as a person who has commanding authority or influence. Leadership is defined as the capacity to lead or the act or an instance of leading.  Many people wrongly equate leadership with only the work they perform or a publicly held position. A leader is anyone who has influence in another person’s life. It does not matter what part of your circle that person is from. If they listen to you, take advice or seek guidance from you, or try to emulate you, you are a leader.

Sometimes leadership isn’t about who is following you, instead it’s about taking that path that no one else is traveling down and creating a new road. Being the voice that goes against the grain even when you keep hearing, “it’s never been done before.”

Make that move.

As women we need to acknowledge that we have been called to something greater than what the world defines as success. We need to recognize that our greatness puts us in a position to influence others, and learn how to own our leadership abilities.

We are called to move out of the shadows and into the light. We are “Called to Something Greater.”

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