Welcome to the Wellness Journey

By now you or someone you know has been impacted by the global virus. Whether at school, work, or in your community something has shifted in your atmosphere.

Your life is not out of control. Things are different, therefore, you must take action. How you choose to respond to what is happening is very much in your control. Besides ensuring that you and your family have day-to-day supplies, don’t forget to practice self-care. If you have a daily self-care routine, then continue to practice it. If you don’t, now is a perfect time to adopt one. A self-care routine acts as a buffer to stress and builds your resilience, so start one today.


This moment in time we are experiencing together is historical and it has created an opportunity for each of us to practice self-care. Practicing self-care builds happiness and makes us feel good, which in turn builds our happiness reserves. Here’s what self-care can look like for you over the next several weeks.


Reading is a great way to escape from your daily routine. You can use Libby. Libby is a free app where you can borrow ebooks and digital audiobooks from your public library. You can stream books with Wi-Fi or mobile data, or download them for offline use and read anytime, anywhere. All you need to get started is a library card. Click here to access Libby.


If you have been neglecting your workout routine or you are looking for something outside of the gym, try walking.  Walking is free and one of the easiest forms of exercise to engage in.  If you need a walking buddy then join GirlTrek. GirlTrek is a public health movement dedicated to getting one million Black women and girls across America walking by 2020. To get started visit GirlTrek where you can take the pledge and put in your zip code to see who is walking in your community, or you can walk solo.


Growing season does not begin until April, but don’t let that stop you from planting indoors. I recently bought a plant for my bedroom which is something I’ve never done. I have always enjoyed plants in common areas, however, having that life in my bedroom is refreshing. Plants are good for the environment so the bedroom is a perfect place for one.

My grandson and I have been enjoying watching the poinsettia from Christmas grow buds which are starting to turn into tiny leaves. If you don’t have a green thumb, get something easy. I purchased a Dracaena.


Self-reflection is a way to actively engage in your life. We spend a great deal of our time going from one activity to another. By engaging in self-reflection you slow down and give yourself the time necessary to ask powerful questions. Here are several questions you can start with. Asking yourself these questions during your down time will help you to stay ready.

Nurture relationships

What relationships would you like to strengthen? Now is a good time to check on those family members and friends that you have been meaning to reach out to.
When was the last time you told them, I love you? Give them a call and find out how they are coping during this period of time which can be stressful. If you feel like the conversation is focused on too much negatively, then redirect it by sharing your self-care routine.


With all that’s been shared, I would be remiss in not adding prayer to the list. Your spiritual health, in my opinion, is the primary driver for how you respond to a crisis or any other situation. By prioritizing your spiritual health through actions such as prayer, meditation, and reading of the word you help build up a solid foundation from which you can draw hope and resilience.

Psalm 23 is one of my favorite chapters in the Bible. It clearly states how much the LORD cares for us in its descriptive text. It is an example of love as an action word because all the things the LORD promises are based on the actions he will take in our relationship. Turn off the television for a while. If you have a favorite verse or quote meditate on it and draw peace from the practice.

Join the Community

I hope that this has been helpful for you. If you would like to join a community of women who are smart, fun and desire to live healthy and whole, then check out my new Facebook group, My Sisters Wellness Circle. 

Share this blog post with someone who could use a little bit of self-care in their life.
Live Healthy & Whole


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