
Begin with the End in Sight

The best way to live with vitality is to begin with the end in sight. Identify your desires, visualize them, and ask yourself one simple question.


Vision boards are hot. From vision board parties to vision board webinars, vision boards are everywhere. I have friends who swear by them saying that when they create vision boards the majority of the things they add become a reality. I recently had an aha moment after spending some time looking at my vision board. While I always knew that the board itself didn’t hold magical powers I was still amazed at the testimonies I heard from people who routinely created them.

Here is what I realized. When you create a vision board you are training yourself to begin with the end in sight. You make a declaration that this is what you want. [tweetthis]Visualize the outcome and plant the seeds.[/tweetthis] Once you plant the seeds you subconsciously begin to take the steps to gain what you have visualized. It’s like when you decide you want a certain car. Suddenly you become hyper aware of that car and you see it everywhere you go. You notice it because it has become a part of your vision.

My vision board includes the phrase experiencing more joy everyday and has pictures that depict spending more time surrounded by beauty. Experiencing more joy and surrounding myself with beauty are two of the endings I have in sight.

To get to those endings I ask myself two questions.

  • What does experiencing more joy look like?
  • What does surrounding myself with beauty look like?

Joy includes living my purpose, enjoying family and friendships, taking time to enjoy my surroundings, and investing in my relationship with the Lord.

Surrounding myself with beauty includes de-cluttering my home and life, allowing nature to take a more central role in my personal space, and clothing myself in things that reflect my inner beauty.

Surrounded by beauty

Write it Down

Your one simple question is what does your perfect week/day will look like? I strongly urge you to write it down, don’t keep the thought in your head. The process needs to stay powerful.

What will your perfect week/day look like?

  • Eating healthy home cooked meals.
  • Spending time in soothing self-care rituals.
  • Enjoying your favorite playlist while writing in your journal.
  • Leaving work on time
  • Sharing time with someone you love

When you begin with the end in sight you create the space needed to set the desire in motion.

Close your eyes.

What does your perfect week look like?

What does your perfect day look like?

Now step into that vision and take the steps, one-by-one, to create your desired outcome. Maybe your perfect day is a work in progress. That’s okay too. You have to start somewhere so why not start now. Begin with the end in sight.

Yours in health & vitality,



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